After attending one of our worship services, you will be quick to notice that we don't do church "as usual." But rather, we believe that God has called us to be an effective, relevant and joyful place where people can become intimate with an exciting, living God in a community with one another.
Seeking a closer walk with Christ is not only our passion but our priority.
It is our privilege to have you worship with us.
Welcome to our church web home. Have a visit and get to know us. You can find the latest news and details on ministries, missions, services and all about us by using the links on this page.
Tuesday, 6:00 pm—Royal Rangers
Tuesday, 6:00 pm—Prayer Group
Wednesday, 9:00 am—Ladies Breakfast @ Daily Bread
Thursday, 6:30 pm—Board of Elders
Psalm 24:3-4
“Who may ascend the mountain of the Lord? Who may stand in
His holy place? The one who has clean hands and a pure heart,
who does not trust in an idol or swear by a false god.”